Wonston Community Public Access Defibrillators (CPADS)
 (Sited in Sutton Scotney, Wonston, Norton, Hunton & Stoke Charity)

You can save a life

Thank you for visiting our community website. It is available on desktops, laptops, tablets and smartphones so you will always have access to this information. We hope that you will find it interesting, informative and possibly life saving!

Our aim was to place an easy to use defibrillator in each of Sutton Scotney, Wonston, Norton, Stoke Charity and Hunton and this has now been achieved. These devices require no training to use and can save a life in the event of a cardiac arrest.

Why do we need them? Simply because we live in a rural location where the chance of a sufficiently fast response from South Central Ambulance Service is not very likely. This is no criticism of SCAS who do provide an excellent service but who are hampered by having their vehicles held in queues at A & E Departments.

Our training sessions are, for now, complete. However, you can obtain the same information from our Online Learning page. It will take about 15 minutes of your time. Watch out for details of any further training sessions in The West Dever News, or on Facebook or Twitter (@wonstoncpads)

Latest News (Full News pages)
22/05/23 Wonston Community Cafe raised the amazing sum of £425 for our maintenance fund. Thank you to everyone who ran the cafe or who bought coffee and cake (and a LOT of it!)
24/05/24 Our AGM was held today at The Wonston Arms.  See News page for details or to request a copy of the Minutes or any financial information

SCAS Ambulance
For a handy pocket guide on your Apple or Android phone search for the excellent South Central Ambulance Service app 'Save a Life'. The location of all of our CPADS plus others in the SCAS area are displayed on a map relative to your location.  NOT CURRENTLY AVAILABLE
Save a Life App image
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