Useful Information
On this page you can find information which might be vital in helping you manage all manner of emergencies. Use the button below to check the information.
Just imagine that you are out in our beautiful countryside. You may be running, walking, cycling or riding and you have an accident or you come upon a person in a similar situation. You know that you are some distance from a road or landmark. How do you tell the emergency services where you are?
Help is now at hand in the form of a totally free app for your smartphone. It's called What3Words. A funny name you might think but it comes from the fact that the entire surface of the globe has been mapped into 3m x 3m squares and every square has been given a unique 3 word code such as yacht-umbrella-confine. This means that even the most remote location can be quickly identified.
The Apps are free for both IOS and Android smartphones.
Emergency Calls by Text Message
If you have hearing loss or difficulty with speech and are unable to make a voicemail call to the emergency services (or if you want to cover all eventualities) then you can send a text (SMS) message to the emergency services.
HOWEVER - you need to register, just once, and it lasts indefinitely. DO IT NOW - don't wait for an emergency.
If you change your phone number then you will need to register again.
This service works across all UK mobile phone networks but cannot be used outside the UK.
Full details can be found on Relay UK website.
You can download the App for various devices as below
Emergency Calls by British Sign Language (BSL)
This new service went live on 17th June 2022 to enable those using BSL to communicate with the 999 emergency services. In a nutshell you use either a smart phone with the 999BSL App or a computer with inbuilt camera to communicate with a BSL trained call handler. To download the App visit or call from the BSL website
In an Emergency but too dangerous to speak to the 999 Operator?
Not many people are aware of the '55' Silent Solution protocol which has been operating for more than 10 years. Here's what to do.
Dial 999 and when the operator asks which service you require either cough or tap the phone to signal that this is an emergency call. If you are too scared to do this then wait until the call is put through to an automated system and dial '55'. This will tell the emergency services that this is a genuine call and they will respond. Failing to cough, tap or dial '55' will probably mean that the call will be regarded as malicious and there will be no response.
Caught up in a Terrorist Incident?
Would you know how to help? Get the free Citizen Aid App.