Phone box update

Added by Wonston CPADS Admin on 13 March 2017

A beautiful day today and we were able to re-mask the telephone kiosk windows and to give the exterior a good undercoat. Tomorrow we are going to install the CPAD on Sutton Scotney Fire Station. Our plan is coming together. Not far to go now!

Stoke Charity CPAD

Added by Wonston CPADS Admin on 09 March 2017

The Stoke Charity CPAD is now operational!

Phone box fitting

Added by Wonston CPADS Admin on 08 March 2017

In spite of the heavy rain the cabinet was fitted inside the Stoke Charity phone box today. The defibrillator will become operational in a couple of days once it is registered on the Ambulance Service system. The overhead light in the phone box is not working but I'm hoping to fix this soon. The pai...

Delay due to Weather

Added by Wonston CPADS Admin on 03 March 2017

Fitting the cabinet to the Stoke Charity phone box was scheduled for today but was cancelled due to the heavy rain. We'll try again next Wednesday. Still no update on the fire station installation

Phone box painting

Added by Wonston CPADS Admin on 27 February 2017

As soon as I mentioned the weather it changed and work has come to a halt on the phone box. Obviously it must be dry to paint but the surface of the box must be over 10 degrees C to take the paint. We're going to need patience. It might be possible to fit the defibrillator before the box is painted....

Phone box painting begins

Added by Wonston CPADS Admin on 17 February 2017

Work has now started on repainting the Stoke Charity Phone box. It is in pretty poor condition and the preparation will take longer than the painting. It looks as though the weather will be on our side for a while and so we will make as much progress as possible whilst it's warm and dry.

Phone Removed

Added by Wonston CPADS Admin on 09 February 2017

Tanith and Justin Rowles have kindly let me know that BT have now removed the phone from the Stoke Charity phone box. This will enable us to start repainting the box once we have some fine weather.


Added by Wonston CPADS Admin on 07 February 2017

There will be a delay in fitting our CPADS in Sutton Scotney and Stoke Charity for reasons beyond our control. For the Fire Station installation we must use their electrical contractor which has delayed things. We hope to have this fitted by the end of February. We still await BT removing the teleph...

Grant from Hampshire County Council

Added by Wonston CPADS Admin on 27 January 2017

The good news continues! We've today received a grant of £750 from Hampshire County Council thanks to our County Councillor Jackie Porter. This was a grant which I applied for nearly 9 months ago and I'd almost forgotten about it. Thank you Jackie!

Hunton Operational

Added by Wonston CPADS Admin on 25 January 2017

Our CPAD in Hunton next to the post box is now operational.